Sports nutrition myths

In the information space, there are a lot of misconceptions about the dangers of sports supplements and a number of negative statements. The number of misconceptions has different connotations, so you need to deal with each of them. For beginners who are just starting a sports career, it is difficult to figure out where the truth is and where the lie. To dispel the fog, it is necessary to analyze the most popular variation of error. Now it should be noted that the formula is not a remedy for all diseases. The composition contains proteins, carbohydrates, various vitamins and trace elements, as well as amino acids. Athletes lifelong exercise, wasting a lot of energy. To make up for the lack of nutrients, ordinary food is not enough. You cannot squeeze out a sufficient amount of protein or vitamins from food, unhealthy fats and a number of other components enter the body along with food. Supplements, on the other hand, consist of pure raw materials, which allows you to quickly and without harm to your health replenish your diet.

Myth: There is never too much water.

Back in the 90s of the 20th century, American scientists conducted a series of tests and recommended that athletes drink more fluids, regardless of the load. It has been argued that when a person is thirsty, he is practically dehydrated. Thus, many drank water in advance, as well as during and after classes. After a series of deaths of marathon runners, this claim has cracked and many have reconsidered the thirst for liquid. It is important to know that each organism has individual characteristics, so you need to approach the water balance correctly. For example, stunted people prone to overweight are most often faced with the disease of hyponatremia. It is accompanied by dizziness, vomiting, swelling of the extremities, and can also be fatal. Recently it was reported that everyone should drink at least a glass of water at one time. Do not hope that the liquid comes out the same for everyone, the process is individual. For this reason, someone drinks and it benefits him, while the other brings himself to the hospital ward.

Myth: The more protein I eat, the better.

Protein is a building block for muscles. Many newbies are betting on this by consuming unlimited protein foods and supplements. There is a certain rule for taking protein products no more than 1.8 grams per kilogram of weight. If this quantity is increased with constancy, additional problems may arise. Do not forget it is difficult for the body to digest this component. Everything is good in moderation, it is worth knowing that without physical exertion, you can only increase your fat stores, and not muscles. By excluding other useful substances from the body, you doom yourself to feeling unwell, fatigue and a decrease in the quality of the training process. Everyone should know that protein-rich foods are not always beneficial. If you eat kebabs every day and wash them down with soda, while ordering pizza during the breaks, this will not work, but will lead to obesity even with intense training.

Myth: If I take vitamin C, I won’t get sick during the training season

For a long time, the majority of the world’s population considered vitamin C to be an immunity helper. Studies have either confirmed the beneficial qualities of the substance, then refuted it. It is not surprising that people believe that the vitamin protects them from infectious and viral diseases. In fact this is not true. To avoid colds, you need to follow a number of hygiene rules. Wash your hands more often and use a medical mask during flu season. Of course, an additional dose of a beneficial substance will speed up recovery and get back on track faster.

Myth: Only by eliminating carbohydrates from the diet can I lose weight.

By eliminating any of the nutrients from your diet, you accelerate the process of losing weight. This is certainly true, but do you think about the consequences. Numerous studies have proven that avoiding carbohydrates or severe restriction impairs the functioning of the whole body. Muscles and nervous system are affected first of all. During this period, fatigue, drowsiness appears, digestion slows down, a person becomes irritable. The decision to lose weight should be based on the gradual reduction of calories. To do this, reduce the amount of not only carbohydrates, but also fats with proteins. It is normal for a person to consume at least 45% net carbohydrates.

Myth 2. Down with food additives, we need traditional food

Of course, natural food does not harm athletes. On the other hand, if you need to replenish the missing substances in the body, this is not the best option. Along with food, a large number of extraneous components enter the body. If an athlete wants to get things done quickly, supplements should be used. They will saturate cells with beneficial vitamins, protein and other nutrients. Due to them, the body accelerates metabolism, improves digestion.

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