What is Arginine. How to use arginine in bodybuilding and sports

Arginine is an essential amino acid essential for humans at any age. The tissues in the body are made of protein, this is no secret. Protein, in turn, is composed of many amino acids, which are building blocks. Therefore, this substance is so necessary for a person. The arginine formula was discovered long before its popularity. Initially, it was believed that the nitrogen donor has a negative effect on humans. The history of the discovery of nutrients begins in the United States. As a result of medical error, it became clear that amino acid is the main source of nitrogen.

Arginine has become popular in sports for its effectiveness and safety. It participates in nitrogen metabolism and allows you to improve physical abilities, strengthen immunity. Due to its use, the athlete gains rapid muscle growth and active fat burning. This drug has a lot of advantages, while it does not cause side effects. Arginine in bodybuilding has become an integral part of courses to gain quality muscle mass and dryness.

Most often, l-arginine is used in bodybuilding in its pure form, less often in complex supplements. Pay attention to this sports food, the reception of which will saturate the body with the necessary elements and speed up all metabolic processes of the body. These types of drugs and supplements can be used on an ongoing basis, especially by athletes involved in heavy sports.

The benefits of arginine have been proven through years of research and field trials on volunteers. During the course, not only physical activity increases, but also the threshold of fatigue decreases, cardiac activity improves, and the amount of growth hormone increases. Professional athletes speak positively about the amino acid, especially noting its high efficiency in problems with weight gain.

You can buy arginine by visiting the website of our online store. Our branches are located in the regions of Kazakhstan, Russia and the CIS countries. We have signed contracts with many well-known pharmaceutical companies. You can pick up arginin yourself or use fast delivery.

How to take arginine for athletes

Professional athletes have long studied the properties of arginine and the scheme of its use. It is difficult for beginners to understand all the nuances. It is recommended that you consult your doctor or other professional before taking any remedy. Pay attention to the combined courses with this substance, as well as instructions on how to take the pills correctly.

You can use sports nutrition as a stand-alone remedy, as well as in combination with other drugs. Most often, professionals use several drugs and supplements at once, the use together with creatine is especially popular. This allows you to achieve results faster and get rid of many side effects.

Consider how to take arginine with creatine. It is recommended to purchase a ready-made supplement consisting of several components. This will save you from self-calculation and prevent mistakes. If you nevertheless chose the substances separately, you need to choose a safe regimen: before training, a dosage of 3000 mg of arginine, after training, 3000 mg of creatine. In the absence of side effects in the second week, can be increased to 15,000 mg.

аргинин в спорте

Sports nutrition comes in several forms. If you have used powder before, you can switch to a more convenient form – capsules. Learn how to take arginine capsules before buying. When using the capsule form, you must adhere to standard norms. Drink with plenty of water. The strategy should be developed so that by the end of the course the dose is increased several times.

The benefits and harms of this type of funds have been studied for more than one year. The controversy continues, although many tend to believe that sports nutrition is completely safe. This is of course true if you use it in the right amount and for a certain period of time. In other cases, in case of overdose, the following side effects can be noted:

  • Temporary hypotension.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Dizziness, migraine.
  • Bowel disorder.
  • Insomnia.
  • Breakdown.
  • Irritability.

If you feel unwell, reduce the dose and consult a specialist. In the instructions for use, pay attention to the section “l-arginine: contraindications”. These include:

  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Herpes in the acute stage.
  • Asthma and other bronchial diseases.
  • Heavy weight.

Many sports physicians and trainers recommend concomitant use of ornithine and arginine plus lysine. This mix can maximize your possibilities.

L-arginine for men and women in sports

Playing sports requires an investment of energy. To replenish the energy balance and at the same time not harm yourself, it is worth choosing the right means for taking. Amino acids are protein, the main source of energy, allowing not only to gain quality muscles, but also to improve overall well-being. Bodybuilding is the main sport that requires supplementation.

L-arginine for men is the main indicator of male strength. Without it, the normal function of the genitals is impossible. It has been proven that with an insufficient amount of this substance, impotence and infertility can develop. Overall, it is a versatile remedy for enhancing sexual performance, increasing muscle mass and feeling good.

L-arginine is an important supplement for women. In the fair sex, the amino acid increases endurance, allows you to get rid of fat accumulations, and also prevent depressive disorders. Doctors often prescribe this type of remedy for problems associated with infertility, and also recommend arginine for weight loss.

There is no significant difference in dosage for both men and women. When calculating, you need to take as a basis the formula of 1 kg of weight multiplied by 0.115. On average, it takes up to 10 g per day to gain muscle. During g

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I am losing weight, half of this dosage is enough. Side effects from using a large amount are possible if the rate is exceeded by more than 15 g per day.

Which arginine is best for bodybuilding

Before buying any sports product, the question arises of choosing the highest quality and at the same time affordable drug. It is easier for professional athletes, because they have been using various supplements for more than one year. Newbies come across counterfeit products or use unknown brands. To avoid counterfeiting, you should know which brand of arginine is better.

The substance is produced in various forms of release, powder and tablets are more popular. You can also choose a liquid form, capsules. Convenient to carry, can be used regardless of location. Packaging differs significantly depending on the manufacturer, so pay attention to the dosage. The most accessible and well-known brands are:

  • NOW Foods L-Arginine;
  • Twinlab;
  • Sci-Fit;
  • NOW;
  • Ultimate Nutrition;

These are proven companies that have been on the market for more than one year. They use only their own high quality raw materials for production. It is important to make sure that the product is certified before purchasing. Don’t look for cheaper products, there is a chance to buy a fake.

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