Testosterone propionate: myths and reality

Many athletes use anabolic substances in the struggle for primacy. The pharmacological market offers the buyer several types of steroids. They all differ in impact and price. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult for beginners to choose an effective remedy for themselves and get the maximum effect from it. Testosterone propionate is one of the most popular drugs in sports and among amateurs. It is a versatile steroid that can be used regardless of the sport and training stage. The main advantage of this product is the low concentration of water in the tissues during the period of use. Testosterone propionate – has a milder effect and a minimum of side effects. For this reason, athletes can use it in any period of training, whether it is muscle gain or drying before competition. Steroids have long been entrenched in the life of athletes, even numerous prohibitions have not affected their popularity. This is not surprising in order to overcome such loads, the body must receive doping. Few of ordinary people think that professional athletes spend most of their lives in training, and they must increase their performance every year.

Тестостерон пропионат для качков

Taking testosterone will quickly increase your physical ability to gain strength and endurance. At the same time, high quality muscle growth occurs during the period of application. To get all the positive qualities from the use of a steroid, you need to correctly calculate the dosage and take into account all the nuances. If an athlete uses an injectable form of the drug, he will be able to achieve results faster. After the injection, the active substance is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, increasing hormonal levels. The athlete feels a surge of strength and energy without side effects for the body. It is important to know that this remedy has a powerful anabolic and androgenic index. The effect of testosterone propionate can be both positive and negative if you use the anabolic drug not according to the rules:

  • Increased muscle growth;
  • Increased power and speed capabilities;
  • Prevent catabolism;
  • Endurance, efficiency;
  • Strengthening the skeleton;
  • Increased sexual activity;
  • Good mood;
  • Fast metabolism;
  • Removal of subcutaneous fat;
  • Muscle firmness and relief;
  • Suppress fatigue, reduce pain during exercise;
  • Rapid recovery between workouts;
  • Improved concentration.

During the course there is aromatization. If you do not take additional antiestrogens, negative consequences such as gynecomastia and high blood pressure can occur. To build muscle and avoid side effects, you need to control your hormonal background, and also after 2 weeks start taking Clomid or Tamoxifen. Safety is the most important thing for the future career of every athlete. Many beginners try to achieve maximum muscle size in a short period of time, relying on the experience and external data of professionals. Most often, this leads to a number of irreversible consequences and frustration. Propionate is suitable only for men, for girls it causes virilization, for them there are a lot of milder remedies. Please pay attention to the quality before buying, only the original pharma can bring positive success. Beware of counterfeits, there are a lot of poor quality counterfeit products on the market. Before ordering, pay attention to the presence of a hologram on the packaging, as well as a special code. This is how leading pharmaceutical companies protect their products.

The history of testosterone propionate

By the 40s of the last century, the first drug entered the market and was used in medicine until 1960. With its help, the level of a natural hormone in the blood was increased to enhance erection and libido, and was also used for rapid tissue regeneration after serious injuries and burns. Testosterone propionate was first synthesized in 1935. When creating the substance, scientists sought to achieve a universal hormonal agent for the treatment of various diseases. Thanks to additional research, it became known about the additional properties of the hormone. Propionate began to be actively used to recruit muscles and improve muscle relief. Used immediately before the competition in order to gain advantages over opponents. For a long time, this substance was the only doping that was actively used all over the world. By the end of the 20th century, many steroidal substances were banned by the FDA. Despite the influence of testosterone propionate and its positive properties, the product was banned for production in many countries around the world. In the Russian Federation, the creation and implementation of the hormone is punishable by law. The only purchase option was the black market and online stores. Pay attention to the time of detection of the steroid in the blood so that the sample can be doped without hindrance. If the athlete is faced with the problem of lack of time for the complete elimination of the substance, it will be necessary to resort to the help of masking agents.

Тестостерон пропионат для бодибилдинга

Testosterone propionate: myths about it

Each organism has individual characteristics and few would argue with that. If for someone the steroid has become an indispensable assistant in sports, for others it may be the real evil, so many beginners think. During the existence of this drug, which is more than half a century, positive and negative rumors about testosterone propionate have formed. The main myths are the following opinions:

  • Muscle sagging after the course;
  • Decreased erection, impotence;
  • Infertility;
  • Long-term recovery;
  • Uselessness.

Unverified information gives rise to a lot of negative rumors and even horror stories. Beginners begin to bypass the anabolic steroid, preferring expensive modern means, which cannot be said about professionals who know a lot about hormones. Of course the same effect as sagging muscles there, but he found not only in anabolic therapy, but also in sports practice without steroids. Such a process is possible if the athlete trains for a long time and quickly ends his career for one reason or another. You can also argue with the statement about impotence. On the course, the body stops producing its own testosterone, as it receives it from injections. At the end of the course during the recovery period, interruptions in erection are observed, but this is a temporary phenomenon, if you take antiestrogens, you can avoid such consequences. With regard to infertility, this type of disease can arise precisely because of the lack of male hormone. Study the advice of a specialist or sports doctor to achieve the right result and receive anabolic therapy benefits.

How To Take Testosterone Propionate Safely

For an athlete, it is important not only to gain muscle volume and win competitions, but also to maintain the achieved result without consequences for the body. Only a safe reception guarantees the athlete a further career. To correctly calculate the dosage, you need to consult a sports doctor, consult with a trainer. The doctor will be able to take into account all the nuances, contraindications will prescribe appropriate tests. If you do not have the opportunity to visit a specialist, call our consultants and get answers to your questions free of charge. There is a standard regimen using testosterone propionate kaufen at a dosage of 50 mg every other day for amateur beginners and 100 mg every other day for experienced athletes. Please note that even girls use this anabolic, but in a minimum dose of 50 mg per week, an increase in norms will provoke hormonal disorders in the female body. During the course, estrogens are formed in the body, which is detrimental to men. If measures are not taken in time, gynecomastia and a number of other negative consequences will occur. For this reason, from the second week of the course, you need to start taking aromatase inhibitors. The full steroid course consists of 6-8 weeks, depending on the purpose and well-being, it is not recommended to prolong it. The drug can be combined with other steroid-type agents, as well as growth hormone, peptides and fat burners.

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