Danabol in sports: myths and reality.

Danabol is an oral steroid with powerful anabolic and androgenic effects. It was developed in the middle of the last century and was legally sold in a pharmacy. The active substance is methandienone, therefore, most often among athletes, anabolic is abbreviated as methane. Now this tool is produced quite legally, but it is not possible to buy it in all countries due to the ban. Many athletes take danabol to gain muscle mass and increase physical performance. Steroids have entered the sport and have been forever entrenched as the best substances for achieving goals in competition. This anabolic has a quick effect and allows you to build up muscles of at least 10 kg per course. A substance works by binding to androgen receptors at the cellular level, which allows you to speed up the process of muscle recruitment. The effect of danabol is felt already in the second week, the athlete feels a surge of strength, sees a transformation in the body, due to this, the self-esteem of the desire for training increases. Please note that only perfectly healthy athletes can take drugs of this type, study the contraindications. The first course should be supervised by a specialist to avoid side effects. This is a quality Pharma, but under conditions of improper use, the result may not please the athlete. The first place for sports representatives should be safety, and then the result.

The history of the appearance of danabol

For the first time Danabol was synthesized in a laboratory, at that time a lot of the famous company “Ciba-Geigy”. It was originally intended to create a universal hormonal agent to accelerate tissue healing after burns, as well as various injuries. The drug went on sale in 1960 and was actively used in medicine. Tested on a group of volunteers with serious injuries and additional consequences. Methane coped with the task and attracted another category of people, athletes. It turned out that the study revealed additional properties of the anabolic, namely the effect on the growth and development of muscle mass. The influence of danabol was appreciated by athletes from all over the world, and have been actively using the remedy for over 50 years.

Myths about danabol

Rumors about danabol and other steroids have been spreading in the information space for more than one year. Many believe that the intake of anabolic substances can lead to a number of hormonal disorders and even death. The pharmaceutical market does not stand still, new manufacturers are born every year. Hence, there is fierce competition and a large amount of negative information. The main myths are the following statements:

  1. If it does not stop in time, then death is inevitable – the most monstrous myth about danabol and other steroids that you have only heard. Of course, there are no completely safe means, but there are instructions and rules for taking it. There is verified information, statistics that confirm that during the existence of the drug, there have been no fatal cases.
  2. Impotence – many are afraid of magic pills based on reviews and other information. Some individuals claim that steroid substances cause impotence and infertility. This is nonsense and any qualified doctor will tell you about it. Of course, after a course in the absence of background recovery therapy, temporary disturbances may occur.
  3. The steroid turns a woman into a man. Yes, it is a fact that many great athletes have difficulties not only with their appearance, but also with their voice. Of course, anabolics give this effect if you take them on an ongoing basis. Such girls are fanatics of steroid therapy and therefore do not monitor hormonal levels.

To eliminate negative consequences, take into account the advice of a specialist, follow the instructions and observe the diet and day.

миы про данабол

Who can take Danabol

The effect of danabol on the body is its effect on muscle cells. In simple terms, the steroid stimulates muscle growth and has a positive effect on the entire body. The drug is used in various sports: bodybuilding, strength sports, athletics, extreme sports. Many famous bodybuilders have achieved world heights with the help of this type of anabolic (Tyson Gay, Ben Johnson, Thiago Silva). Taking danabol does not always give a positive effect due to an incorrectly calculated dosage or scheme, and the steroid also has contraindications. To achieve success without harm to your health, consult a specialist (doctor, trainer, bodybuilder with experience).

Health is the main indicator of achieving a goal, so it is important to exclude all possible negative consequences. Contraindications for use include a number of groups of people who are not advised to use hormone therapy:

  • Adolescents under 18, in some cases under 21;
  • Elderly people;
  • If there are chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • Oncological changes in tissue;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Low immunity;

The consequences of an illiterate reception can lead to a number of hormonal disorders, such as gynecomastia, swelling, baldness, virilization. Methane can be used for gaining muscles, as well as during the period of weight loss, because it has universal properties. The scheme of application is standard at 10-30 mg per day, divided by 2 times. It is important to include aromatase inhibitors Clomid or Tamoxifen https://steroide24.com/shop/aromatasehemmer/tamoxifen in your cycle to prevent side effects. Danabol is taken from 3 to 8 weeks, depending on the goal and experience of the athlete. Only a balanced approach can guarantee the effect of Schwarzenegger or Tyson.

Выдумки про данобол

Buy Danabol in Almaty

The pharmacology market offers its customers a lot of steroid products. Make sure it is not a fake before buying. Many beginners find it difficult to understand all the intricacies of the market economy. To understand where is counterfeit and where is legal pharma, follow the following selection principles:

  • Analyze the store, make sure that it has been on the market for a long time. This can be done by reviewing the license;
  • Ask the seller for a product certificate;
  • Make sure the box has a hologram and an original confirmation code;
  • Pay attention to the price, it should not be lower than the manufacturer’s, except for discounts;

You can buy Danabol in Almaty through the website of our store. We represent a network of branches throughout Kazakhstan. We have proven suppliers and more than 6 years of experience. We guarantee not only the quality of each product, but also its certification. Only here you can legally purchase popular products with delivery. The drug is produced and sold in one tablet form. If the effect is not enough for you, and you are a bodybuilder with little experience, you can familiarize yourself with combination mixtures where Danabol is present in the course in a certain amount.

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