Cialis and Viagra Almaty

What is the use of Cialis or Viagra for?

Arousal disorder in men has many causes. As a rule, the lack of good sexual intercourse has an adverse effect on relationships with loved ones and at work. To solve the difficulties with male power, doctors have developed medications that perform the function of increasing potency. The most popular are: Cialis and Viagra.

What is better than Cialis or Viagra? Doctors did not come to a consensus on this issue. Let’s try to understand the drugs and draw our own conclusions on them.

What is the use of Cialis or Viagra for?

Arousal disorder in men has many causes. As a rule, the lack of good sexual intercourse has an adverse effect on relationships with loved ones and at work. To solve the difficulties with male power, doctors have developed medications that perform the function of increasing potency. The most popular are: Cialis and Viagra.
What is better than Cialis or Viagra? Doctors did not come to a consensus on this issue. Let’s try to understand the drugs and draw our own conclusions on them.


After taking the Viagra pill, there will be no quick effect to increase potency, as many people think. The drug only helps to improve hemodynamics in the body, thus, when the genitals are stimulated, an erection occurs. After the end of intercourse, the male member returns to its normal state (unless there is a side effect).
The drug has been on sale for a long time, but there are many myths about it. Let’s consider each:

  • The first myth. Viagra is a medicine for potency. Viagra is not a drug, but due to its properties, when taken and after some stimulation of the penis, Viagra improves potency (if necessary).
  • The second myth. The second misconception relates to the fact that Viagra protects against sexually transmitted diseases. However, this is far from the case, contraceptives cannot be canceled.
  • The third myth. Viagra is a hormonal agent, no, it is not.

Description of the action of Viagra tablets

The composition of the tablets contains the substance sildenafil citrate. This component stimulates the release of nitric oxide and inhibits PDE-5. Thus, blood flow to the male penis begins, it becomes more active, thereby the strength of the male genital organ increases significantly. The principle of action of Viagra is similar to the action of Cialis.

Viagra dosage

The optimal dosage of the drug is considered to be 50 mg. Taking pills should be in advance: it is best to do this a few hours before the start of intercourse. The effect of taking the drug lasts for 4 hours.

When not to use Viagra tablets

Although the drug is sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, we recommend that you consult with him, since if you cannot use the drug and other drugs at the same time, and also, combine it with a large dosage of alcohol. If this is not taken into account, then the consequences cannot be avoided. As a consequence, excessive blood pressure overshoots may occur. If the pressure rises significantly above the norm, then it may end in a negative: a legal outcome. Other possible consequences may be: malfunction of the organs of hearing, vision, disorders of the digestive system.

However, if we compare it with Cialis, then Viagra has a lower incidence of side effects. A limitation against taking pills may be possible allergic manifestations to the components of the drug, suffered no more than two months ago – a stroke or heart attack, and you should also not use a medication if the functioning of the kidneys, glands is impaired, in the presence of cardiovascular dysfunction, gastrointestinal ulcers.


Now let’s look at Cialis tablets. Most of the stronger sex choose Cialis instead of Viagra, because it has a faster effect, within 40-60 minutes after taking it, potency begins.

Dosage when using Cialis

The tablets contain an active ingredient – tadalafil. The principle of action with Viagra is identical. We recommend that you start taking the product 40 minutes before the start of the intimate act. The dosage should be minimal, not exceed twenty mg. The duration of the action of the tablets reaches 36 hours. After taking the drug, as well as Viagra, stimulation of the penis is required.

The drug is not recommended for use if:

  • The man is allergic to the tadalafil component.
  • Takes alpha-1-blockers.
  • Has malfunctioning and nervous system.
  • Not recommended for men with a problem of anatomical deformity of the penis
  • With leukemia.

Possible side effects

If the requirements are not followed when taking this remedy, a so-called “side effect” may occur. It includes:

  • joint pain;
  • depression;
  • vision problems;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • allergic reactions.

Also, if an overdose occurs, then the male penis will be in an erection for more than 36 hours, which can cause a man great pain and discomfort. We recommend not to panic and seek help from the doctors of the joint venture.

Results. Comparison of drugs

  1. The action of Cialis is slightly faster than that of Viagra.
  2. The duration of action of Cialis is longer – up to 36 hours.
  3. However, the consequences of taking the drug are also greater than those of taking Viagra. She had fewer side effects.
  4. Considering the price issue, then Cialis will be much more expensive.

Thus, each drug has its pros and cons. The most important thing is not to exceed the dosage and strictly follow the instructions, and best of all – visit a doctor who will conduct a study of your body for allergies, etc.  Which tool is better suited for the above purposes is up to you.

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